How to add an Invenio installation to the showcase

Follow four easy steps to make a pull request

Fork our source code

Fork source code repository using your GitHub account (e.g. johndoe) and create a new local branch (e.g. johndoelibrary):

$ git clone $ cd $ git checkout -b johndoelibrary

Take beautiful screenshot

Take a representative screenshot of your site and place it in the assets/static/img/screenshots directory. Name the image after your site.

# take screenshot $ mv ~/Screenshots/johndoelibrary.png assets/static/img/screenshots/

Describe your site

Add a JSON description of your site, such as its full name, the description, the canonical URL, and the type of managed data, inside the file databags/sites.json.

{ "name": "John Doe Library", "description": "John Doe's Library.", "url": "", "screenshot_filename": "johndoelibrary.png", "types": ["research-data", "library", "multimedia", "institutional-repository"] }

Make a pull request

Commit your changes and publish your branch.

$ git add assets/static/img/screenshots/johndoelibrary.png $ git add databags/sites.json $ git commit -s -m "sites: John Doe Library" $ git push origin johndoelibrary

Make a pull request so that we can add your site.